Calculate The Weight of Your Car for the Engine Size

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MR-1 Heads-Up Class :
Pontiac Heads-Up Race Class at the Ames Performance Tri Power Pontiac Nationals this year.

MR-1 Heads Up Class link

Best of all, only three (3!) rules-

  1. Pontiac bore-spacing block that will accept stock Pontiac head.
  2. *** Naturally aspirated ***
  3. 6.50 lb/c.i.

This Calculator can be used to determine the weight of your race car using your engine size.

Calculate The Weight of Your Car for the Engine Size
Enter Engine CID:
Input CID, Please

This Calculator can be used to determine the engine size of your race car using your car's weight.

Calculate The Engine Size of Your Car
for the Weight of Your Car
Enter Car Weight:
Input Weight, Please