TurboFORCE Revival Project

Project Update 1: Air Pressure Bonnet

For turbo and supercharger applications using a carburetor one can either draw-thru the carb or blow-thru the carb. For blow-thru types, one can either fully enclose (box) the carb or one can attach a presure inlet (hat) to the air horn ring.

Successfully blowing thru a Quadrajet carburetor with a hat is very difficult. To my knowlege, except for the TurboFORCE design, there were and presently are no commercially available air pressure hats which will work on a Quadrajet. This page quickly describes the design evolution of the TurboFORCE pressure bonnet (so called because it is larger than a typical pressure hat).

This is the first design TurboFORCE air pressure bonnet. It was round, small and had a simple, blunt inlet. It did not work well, resulting in surging and low power output at wide-open-throttle (WOT).
This is the second design TurboFORCE air pressure bonnet. It was constructed by welding components to the earlier version above. Note the wedge-shaped diffuser inlet and taller center-section. This version worked better, but still had slight surging and not enough power at WOT.
This is the third and final design TurboFORCE air pressure bonnet. It was cast based upon a refined design of the welded version. It featured a smoother interior flow path and a vertical central air vane above the air horn ring. It produced smooth and excellent power under all throttle conditions.
All TurboFORCE bonnets attached with the 3/8" threaded-rod arrangement shown. The lower nuts hold down the QJet like the stock bolts. A second set of nuts & washers hold the bonnet to the air horn ring. In all bonnet designs, the thru-holes were sealed off from the internal air space.


The reproduction of the cast bonnet is still undertain because the original casting tooling has not been located, despite extensive search. Remaking the tooling may be prohibitively expensive if the production numbers are too small, i.e., there is insufficient demand.

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